Tudor Fuel-up Log
2012 Volkswagen Jetta
Property of otb4evr.
Added May 16 2012
Showing a single fuel-up
Sep 7 2012
Very challenging week for trying to get the best MPG possible. 5 days commuting. 2 trips to Morris. It rained for a couple of days and the wind was out of the Northerly direction a couple more. Running MPG = 50.6! MFI was out of its normal range, which is strange... Almost done with XPS. Will likely go back to PS. BP at Rt. 55 and Rt. 52 Filled to the top. 6oz XPS Odo: 10983 mfi: 54.0 (6.3%)
Added by otb4evr on Sep 6 2012 at 5:27 pm
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